Reclaim the divinity that lies dormant in your DNA & awaken the ancient wisdom within

Sacred Sites, Gridwork, Kundalini Activation, Soulmates, Sex Magic, Christ Consciousness, Dragons, Oracles, Atlantis & Ancient Maya...

Come on a journey into the Ancient Future & awaken the evolutionary potential lying dormant in your DNA.  

This book is a testimony of the initiations required on the Diamond Light path to move from carbon to crystalline, from initiate to master, from priestess to Oracle. Journey alongside the author on her sacred mission of bringing Ancient Mayan grids back online, birthing paradigm-shifting prophecy and preparing the Earth for the pivotal evolutionary leap we are making to usher in the next Golden Age for humanity.

An exclusive preview of my debut audiobook...

something deep within is CALLING to YOU, CAN YOU HEAR?

There is a gift, a medicine you came here to share with the world...
There is a purpose for choosing to incarnate here, now... do you remember?
To awaken the memory of all youโ€™ve been, and all you ever will be,
To shine the light you came here to shine
To recognise your divine essence and share this unconditional love with the world.

Stepping onto your soul path, reconnecting with your sacred gifts and transforming into the light you truly are inside is simply a process of remembering...โ€ฆ

Remembering who you are...and letting go of everything that you are not.

You are not your trauma. You are not your identity. You are not all the labels you assign to yourself. You are not your past, nor are you the sum of all your emotions, reactions and memories.

You are a limitless, magical and miraculous being who holds all of the codes within your DNA - you only need to activate it.

The person you desire to become - abundant, radiant, confident, powerful, connected, sexy, tapped in, vulnerable, heart-open, magnetic - is already within you, it IS you.

When you begin to recognise your own sovereignty, deepen your relationship with the divine, connect with your higher guidance and call all versions of your multi-dimensional soul into the here and NOW... you can fully reclaim your gifts and remember who you truly are. And that remembering doesnโ€™t have to take a lifetime.

This remembering can unfold at quantum speeds, given the right circumstances and guidance.
You came here, for this, now. You are ready.

you are a not a victim of circumstances -

You are a sovereign being - an alchemist capable of miracles, mysticism and magic.

You hold the codes of creation within your DNA, they are rightfully yours to claim and activate.

There is a powerful life-force within you, that is you - wanting to dance you, to live through you, to express and create through you -

It desires to expand and be embodied in every fibre of your being because you are that.

you are a creator of worlds.

Free Activations, Clearings & Masterclasses

For the courageous souls who want support on their initiation, spiritual awakening or self love journey, I have a selection of free activations, clearings and masterclasses available for you to access now, for FREE!

It is my honour to give you a taste of my medicine...